
Thursday, September 4, 2014

End of Summer Recap (including August Photo A Days 15 - 31)

I started August with daily blog posts of my “photo a day” pics. I’m ending August with a 2 week recap of more than 14 photos. Life really got in the way these past two weeks. Wilder has had lots of appointments, including a new addition to his care team - a Doctor of Osteopathy - who adjusted his bones. I’m not sure if it was coincidental or not, but Wilder seems to have taken off running since the day of his first adjustment last week. 

That very night Wilder lifted his head off the ground while on his tummy for the first time ever. Soon, he was flipping over completely on his own. He seems eager to crawl and sit up. It will be exciting to see which he does first!

Day 15 - Clouds - none to be photographed that day!

Day 16 - Clean - Wilder and I went on a hike at Wilder Ranch

Day 17 - Dinner - Peanut Noodles with Tofu made by Kimo

Day 18 - Arrow - Arrow Surf Shop, Westside Santa Cruz - snapped this shot on our way up Hwy 1 to Shark Fin Cove Beach 
Me and Wilder at Shark Tooth Beach

Day 19 - To Do

Day 20 - Before Bedtime

Day 21 - Decorate - with antique teacups
Day 22 - Words - by Yoko Ono in her book Grapefruit

Day 23 - Style - Melissa, me and Wilder, Natalie, and Mom - stylin' as always

Day 24 - Fragrant - Cole's BBQ - on my corner, I smell their "meat wind" (as my sister calls it) daily

Day 25 - Mail - mini historic Big Basin postcards

Day 26 - Breakfast - Coffee, yogurt with strawberries, and a lactation cookie

Day 27 - Dull - I can't keep these colored pencils sharp enough

Day 28 - Travel - souvenirs from my most recent big trip to Thailand

Day 29 - Dessert

Day 30 - Nearby - boat in the Seabright district - Wilder and I were walking to the KZSC record swap

On a hike to the limekilns at Fall Creek Unit - Henry Cowell Redwoods. Our friend Lauren took this picture. 

Day 31 - 10am - waking up from his nap

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