
Tuesday, March 17, 2015

The Meadows of Schwan Lake

I found myself in a meadow the other morning, walking with Wilder. The meadow surprised me, being not where I expected it to be - so near my family home - walkable from both my house and my grandmother's house. I had eyeballed the land jutting out onto Schwan Lake, visible when driving past Twin Lakes Beach, wondering how to access it. With a google search I realized the trail begins right on 17th Avenue, which couldn't be more convenient for me.

I'm amazed that this beautiful place has existed so close to where I grew up, yet I am only discovering it now. Sometime Santa Cruz feels too small for me, after spending the majority of my life in big cities. When I make discoveries like Schwan Lake Park, Santa Cruz feels just right.

Schwan Lake 
The trail meanders through oak trees and past Schwann Lake - Twin Lakes Beach is visible across the lake. Oak trees, grass, pines, eucalyptus, blackberry bushes, scrub brush, red squirrels, and chirping birds all live in Schwan Lake Park. It's a large swath of nature in the middle of my neighborhood. I'm imagining future picnics and bug hunts with Wilder.

The park is right behind Simpkins Family Swim Center, which is where you park to access the park. I love swimming at the Simpkins Center. It's where Wilder first got in the water during baby swim lessons. They have a warm pool with a ramp entry, perfect for walking in with a baby. There's also a huge twisty water slide!

Walks are one of the only things that keep me sane as a new mom. How great to have a new place close by to explore with the baby!

Twin Lakes State Beach
Simpkins Family Swim Center

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