
Monday, July 23, 2018

The Occupations of Vietnam: My Son

The My Son ruins, near Hoi An, are from the years 900-1300 AD. They are reminiscent of Angkor Wat because they were built by the same culture - Hindu. The Hindus from India were in Vietnam seeking spices.

The site was full of depictions of the god Shiva, lingams, yonis, elephants, and lots of seated meditation in limestone (grey) and local clay bricks (burnt orange).

Our guide pointed out these American shells found on the site. During the Vietnam War the Viet Cong used My Son as a base. The Americans bombed the site, doing much damage.



Two bomb craters between two of the largest temples at My Son

This temple was badly damaged by American bombs.
This dog led us around the entire site!

Bomb crater on the left


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