
About Me

Gypsy Atlas seeks to inspire everyday adventure, wherever you happen to be. 

My name is Madeline and I find and share the extraordinary and unique in my surroundings, both from my hometown of Santa Cruz, and on my frequent travels. I have lived in Spain, Thailand and Peru, and travelled extensively on five continents. In my previous life, I worked in the museum field, with a specialty in Cultural Anthropology. 

My newest adventure is motherhood, and sharing the beauty of California with my son. Join us, as we explore food, other cultures, history, music, forests, rivers, and the ocean!

Thanks for visiting Gypsy Atlas!

Madeline at Fort Ross, CA
Photo by Andre Stafford

Outside the Atlas:

AFAR Magazine's online experiential travel guide collects insights from users around the world. I'm their Local Expert for Santa Cruz, California. Check out my wanderlists here.

I also write for Matador Network.

I co-curated an exhibit on Cambodian refugees in East Oakland at Peralta Hacienda Historical Park. Here is a link to the web version.

My first blog - Quotidian Delight

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